Jinnah Hospital Lahore, Lahore Punjab Pakistan, has announced several vacancies in an advertisement published in Nawaiwaqt Newspaper on 2 November 2022. Qualifications such as Matrics, Middles, Intermediates, and Ph.Ds, as well as other academic qualifications are preferred.
Jinnah Model Pharmacy Lahore Jobs 2022
Candidates interested in private jobs at Jinnah Hospital in Management and others can apply until 19 November 2022. For more information about the latest job openings at Jinnah Hospital, read the full ad online. Visit guggujobs.com for more opportunities.
Punjab residents can apply for several jobs at Jinnah Model Pharmacy in Lahore in 2022. The Public Health Department invites applications for the Contract Basis for the Posts listed here as per the Eligibility Criteria defined in the Punjab Health Department Miscellaneous Posts Service Rules, 2003 and the Allied Health Professional Service Rules, 2003 for suitable candidates with the required qualifications and experience.
Positions available:
- Cash Clerk
- Helper
- Key Punch Operator (KPO)
- Pharmacist
- Salesman/ Dispenser
- Security Guard
The appointment will be made on a three-year contract, extendable for an additional three years based on good performance. The following advertisement specifies the age, qualification, experience, and domicile of applicants.
How to Apply?
To apply for this position, please submit your resume and attested copies of the following documents to the following address:
National Identification Number
Educator’s Certificate
Certificate of Character
Please provide a passport-sized photograph
The applicant is required to submit an affidavit stating that their license has not been pledged to any retail pharmacy.
Applicants must submit an affidavit stating that they will not sue the hospital.
The shortlisted candidates’ interview date will be displayed on the notice board of Jinnah Model Pharmacy.
The interview process will not be conducted with individual call letters.
Candidates short-listed for an interview will receive an interview notification via phone call, SMS, or Whatsapp.
Applications for Jinnah Hospital Jobs in Lahore are due on 24th November 2022.